Concessions - PPP

A-12 highway Pamplona-Estella-Logroño: Site supervision


Government of Navarra
Site supervision

As part of technical assistance to site management of the public work concession contract for construction, conservation and operation of the Pamplona-Logroño highway, two phases were executed: Phase I Pamplona-Estella and Phase II Estella-Logroño. This infrastructure is a main communication axis for the region. The infrastructure is 70.3 km in length (57 km of newly created route and 13.3 km of widened road) with more than 20 junctions and conditioning of 100 km of local roads. Construction began in November 2002 and was completed in under four years – 7 months ahead of schedule. The key structures were the two tunnels through “Sierra del Perdón” (1,050 m) and the bridge over the River Arga in Puente la Reina.