Water and Environment

Modernisation of Aragon Imperial Canal


Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Spain
Technical studies and designs

The objectives of revetment and modernisation of the canal between Kilometre Points 55.00 and 77.00 were to:

  • a) Stabilise the channel.
  • b) Eliminate seepage.
  • c) Ensure safety and effectiveness of canal service.
  • d) Establish systems to improve diversion possibilities.
  • e) Increase transport capacity.
  • f) Promote future irrigation schemes. In order to achieve these objectives, the design included revetment of the canal, maintaining a longitudinal section with a constant gradient; two drainage lines, generally following the routes of the Imperial Canal’s main San Miguel and San Lamberto irrigation ditches; several hydraulic structures, including relief siphons and manoeuvring gates, with a regulating gate and sluice gates. Installation of ten monitoring points connected to the Automatic Hydrological Information System was also proposed.