Support for institutional reinforcement to Dinepa: Republic of Haiti -
Navigability of the river Ebro below the stone bridge in Zaragoza -
Hydrological study of the Chilla stream in Candeleda: Ávila -
Water planning in Ebro basin -
Supply to the north-eastern of Llanura Manchega area -
Supply to Huesca from the Montearagón reservoir -
Modernisation of Aragon Imperial Canal -
Supply to “Bajo Ebro” area in Aragon -
La Barona siphon: Northern side of the tunnel at Rambla de la Viuda -
Sewage treatment plan for Aragon: Zone 11 -
Sewage treatment plan for Aragon: Zone 08-A -
Waste water treatment plants: Pyrenees area P3-B -
Waste water treatment plant in Teruel -
Improvement of irrigation of the Alava valleys -
Improvement in regulation in Alto Aragon irrigation -
Comprehensive repair of the Carrizo Canal: Leon -
Val de Beltrán pool on left bank of the river Matarraña -
Torrehermosa reservoir in Monreal de Ariza -
Pools of la Corraliza and Barcelosa in Tudela -
Breakwater and tailwaters of the Rialb reservoir -
Reservoirs and sewage at the Formigal ski resort -
Supply and sanitation for Aguas Verdes area: Peru